Creo Worship Visualized

Songs, artists, and stats of Creo Worship since 2017

Last updated June 10th, 2020
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By number of times sung
"Build My Life" by Housefires comes out on top: we've sung it 25 times since September 2017! "Glorious Day" from Passion isn't far behind with 21 plays. "Spirit Move" by Bethel rounds out the top 3 with 18 plays.

"Good Grace" from Hillsong UNITED manages to crack the top ten with 12 plays - an impressive number given that it's the most recent song on this list: it was released in 2019!


EXP NGHT (2018 - Present)
Ever since EXP NGHT started up in 2018, it's been bringing all the hype with songs like "This is Living", "Wake", and "Real Love" by Hillsong Young & Free.

That isn't to say we don't have our quieter and contemplative moments, though! Songs like "Spirit Move" and "Reckless Love" are also clear favourites.
YA Worship (2018 - Present)
YA Worship nights tend to be a bit more on the chill side, compared to EXP NGHT.

Once again, "Good Grace" has strong representation when it comes to being sung at YA Worship nights with 8 plays in total. "Build My Life" is a steadfast favourite, coming in with 7 plays, right behind our top song.
Choose an event!
Click on the choices below to see the most popular songs by event.

* Numbers do not account for spontaneous songs or songs that were cut or changed last-minute. But one-off events like Team Night, Family Ministries Conference, and Cambodia are included in "All events".


By total number of plays
We've sung Bethel songs a lot at Creo. "Spirit Move", "King of My Heart", "No Longer Slaves", and "We Will Not Be Shaken" are popular go-tos for worship sets.

Perhaps not surprisingly, we also really like Hillsong, Hillsong, and Hillsong. We've done a lot of music from three different iterations of the bands, and cover them all pretty equally: we've sung their songs about 50 times each.

Rounding out the top five is Housefires: the status of "Build My Life" as Creo's #1 song of all time certainly helps bring that number up!
By number of unique songs sung
This chart shows the number of different songs we've sung by each artist.

With their large catalog of familiar worship songs, the three main Hillsong bands (Worship, UNITED, and Young & Free) all manage to crack the top five once again.

Bethel's right in the mix with 17 different songs sung, and Elevation also cracks the top five with 11 songs.


How often do we have each instrument?
It can be difficult (but not impossible!) to have worship without a worship leader, so it's not surprising that we've had a leader at 100% of our worship events.

We almost always have backing vocals, acoustic guitar, keys, drums, and bass as well: about 90% of our worship events have these roles filled.

Over three-quarters of our worship sets have someone shredding on the electric! Less common instruments include strings (cello and violin for more acoustic worship nights) and ukulele, which was popular for Creo Fridays before EXP NGHT started up.


The Songs
Counting all the repeats, we've sung songs nearly 600 times since 2017!
We've also played nearly 150 different songs over the past three years.
The Artists
We've played music from almost forty different artists, including some original songs by Creo Worship!
The Worship Team
Over thirty different people have been a part of Creo Worship.
The Sets
Over 100 worship sets have been created by Creo Worship for regular worship nights and special events like Cambodia or Team Night.
The Guests
To date, these fine folks have come to guest lead for Creo Worship:
Creo Worship has done a whole lot of worship through music since 2017!

Check out some of our live Worship Wednesday sets on YouTube and a collection of our past worship sets on Spotify.
A project by Jordan Chiu. View the dev diary for this project here!
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Based on graph-scroll by Adam Pearce